Scheduling a Tutor

  • To schedule an appointment with a tutor, contact to get a list of current tutors, subjects available and calendar links. 
  • If you do not find any appointment times that work with your schedule, please email Retention Administrator, Dr. Kathryn Onorato at and she will try to work with you to schedule an appointment at a time that works with your schedule. 
  • On-campus appointments take place in the Success Center (second floor of Main Building) or may take place at another location established by your tutor. Online appointments via Zoom are also available. 
  • To schedule a resume/cover letter review, please email Dr. Kathryn Onorato at



Tutoring sessions are available for the following subject areas:

  • General Education
  • Sciences
  • Nursing
  • Physical Therapist Assistant
  • Radiography and Medical Imaging
  • Community Health
  • Healthcare Administration & Management
  • Health Information Management

Note: Tutoring is not available for every single course within the subject areas listed above.

Expectations & Policies

  • Students who have scheduled appointments get first priority.
  • Tutors will meet with walk-ins only if they do not have any scheduled appointments.
  • Students must arrive on time for their scheduled appointments.
  • Notify your tutor if you are going to be late or if there is an emergency, and you are not able to attend your appointment.
  • Students will be notified via email and/or phone if their tutor is running late or has an emergency and is unable to make the appointment.
  • Students must not go over the allotted time of their appointment.
    • If tutors do not have any other students waiting to meet with them, they can make the decision to continue to work with students past their allotted time.
  • Students must arrive prepared regardless if it is a scheduled appointment or a walk-in. Being prepared means:
    • Students have read and reviewed their course materials and have attempted to complete homework assignments before coming to the appointment.
    • Students have identified specific areas in which they need help.
    • Students have brought relevant course materials with them.
    • Students should be an active participant in the tutoring appointment.
  • Tutors have the right to ask students to reschedule their appointments if they arrive late or come unprepared.
  • Understand that tutors are not instructors. Tutors may not be able to help with every question, and it is not the tutor’s responsibility to teach course material. Students should also be communicating with their faculty members for guidance.
  • Tutors will not do work for students. Tutors are there to guide and help students in understanding course content and developing effective study strategies.
  • Students and tutors are expected to treat each other and others with respect.
  • Students and tutors should minimize interruptions during the appointment. There should be no emailing, texting, phone calls, side conversations, or other interruptions unless it is an emergency. It is also expected that students and tutors are not disruptive to others.
  • Students and tutors are expected to maintain a safe environment for all and clean up after themselves when their appointment is complete.
  • Students and tutors must abide by the College Academic Integrity Policy and Student Code of Conduct. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action.
  • Please refer to the “Tutoring Expectations & Policies” page for more details about tutoring expectations and policies.


Dr. Kathryn Onorato, Retention Administrator
PH 402.836.9927